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SAT vs. ACT Comparison Tool

The Majority of Students will Score Higher on either the SAT or ACT
Deciding to take the correct test may help students get into their school of choice.

The SAT vs. ACT Test Comparison Tool

  • Easy way to decide, which test to prepare.
  • Analyzes the actual ACT and SAT complete test performance.
  • Students get real test-taking experience.
  • It helps in exam decision-making and test preparation.

How does the Comparison Tool Work?

  • Create Socrato Account.
  • Find the SAT and ACT which you took or plan to take.

  • Grade the test using Socrato bubble sheet grading methods. 

  • Select both the individual student report of both test.

  • Generate sat vs. act diagnostic report.

SAT vs. ACT Comparison Tool Report

  • Instant seven pages sat vs. act diagnostic report
  • It provides the recommendation of the preferred test as per actual test scores.
  • Provides subject by subject comparison of SAT and ACT performance
  • It pinpoints the strengths and weakness of both the exams Subject topics.
Download Sample SAT vs. ACT Diagnostic Report
SAT/ACT Diagnostic Report
SAT vs. ACT Comparison Report

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